BAM is a senior scientific and technical federal institute for materials research and testing with responsibility to the federal ministry for economic affairs and climate action (BMWK) in Germany. BAM has more than 1600 employees including technicians, engineers, students and senior scientists working in different disciplines. More than 10% of our employees are focusing on H2 related themes such as sensor development, flammability, vessels testing and
certification and analysis of materials for H2 technologies.

ENAGAS is Spain’s leading NG transmission company and Technical Manager of the Spanish gas system, with 50 years’ experience in the development, operation, and maintenance of gas infrastructures, including gas transmission assets, LNG regasification terminals and underground gas storage facilities. ENAGAS is accredited as an independent TSO by the EU and carries out its activities in 8 countries. ENAGAS is firmly committed to gas grid decarbonisation. through the injection of renewable gases, such as H2 and biomethane, as new solution in the energy transition process and in the promotion of low-carbon economy. As part of its commitment to H2, ENAGAS participates in National and European research and innovation projects such as: GREENH2PIPES, Decarb, NewGasMet, SUN2HY and Green Hysland.

Gassco is the operator for the integrated system for transporting gas from the Norwegian continental shelf to other European countries. The total length of the pipeline network is 8778 km. Their special operator responsibilities include tasks related to system operation, capacity management, and infrastructure development. Gassco is also responsible for the technical operation of facilities, pipelines, platforms, license administration, and project development.

GAZ-SYSTEM plays a strategic role in the Polish economy. The company is responsible for natural gas transmission, operates major gas pipelines in Poland. As part of the 2015-2025 investment programme, GS is developing over 2000 km of new gas pipelines in western, southern and eastern parts of Poland. Currently, the company is implementing one of the most important infrastructural projects in Poland – the Baltic Pipe, which consists in the construction of a bidirectional offshore gas pipeline connecting Poland and Denmark as well as the expansion of the local transmission network and three gas compressor stations.
GERG (The European Gas Research Group) is the European Association representing the collaborative R&D needs of the European Gas Industry. Along with its member organisations, GERG works with the European energy community to develop innovative solutions connecting European gas infrastructure to the evolving energy system. GERG coordinates corresponding efforts of its members on an EU level and membership includes TSOs, DSOs, major NG suppliers, universities, and international research institutes, as well as international standardisation organisations. GERG partners with related organisations globally to ensure international alignment of its work and maximum effectiveness of its programmes. Moreover, GERG has experience leading Dissemination and Communication activities in several EU projects.
The Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute (INiG-PIB) – is a Polish research institute that closely cooperates with the gas industry, including gas network operators, metering device producers, and renewable fuel producers. INiG-PIB has been conducting R&D work related to the injection of hydrogen into gas networks and the safety of using H2NG mixtures for several years. The INiG-PIB test stands, whether owned or planned to be built, enable the preparation and testing of the stability of pressure mixtures of H2NG with the addition of a selected gas odorant. A test stand for testing process gas chromatographs used to determine H2NG mixture composition will also be realized. INiG-PIB has created its own gas mixing plant that allows for the creation of gas mixtures with up to 7 components. Moreover, the Institute has several test benches for the calibration and testing of gas meters at low pressure, based on volumetric standards (drum and rotary gas meters) and turbine standards with traceability for air. INiG-PIB also conducts activities aimed at developing conformity assessment programs for products used in the hydrogen economy.
Inrete Distribuzione Energia (INRETE) is part of Hera Group, which is one of Italy’s largest multi-utility companies, with more than 9000 employees and a rapidly growing business plan in gas, energy and water distribution and in waste treatment. INRETE is a gas and electric Distribution System Operator. INRETE operates mainly in the Emilia-Romagna region (in the north of Italy). INRETE manages gas distribution networks in 138 municipalities and more of 1,1 million of gas customers and more than 14.000 km of pipelines, more than 1,2 million of gas meters and more than 30.000 gas volume conversion devices.
Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) was the first Italian Engineering School, founded in the wave of the technical and scientific innovation that gave rise to the most prestigious European polytechnic schools in the mid-19th century. POLITO has undertaken high-level research on hydrogen, electrochemical and thermochemical processes and technologies, and CO2 for 30 years. POLITO was a founding member of Hydrogen Research Europe (2007) and a member of H2IT, and it is the coordinator of several EU projects and a partner within 30 other FCH JU activities.
SINTEF is a Research and Technology Organization (RTO) composed of several legal entities gathering 2200 employees in Norway, has extensive knowledge within mechanical and chemical engineering, thermodynamics, multiphase flows, mathematics, and flow modelling. They also have experience with prototype testing and the facilities to operate the process in pilot scale and using the results to design and make cost estimates for a full‐scale process. SINTEF will be the project coordinator of SHIMMER, will lead WP1 and will assist with dissemination activities.
SNAM is Europe’s leading operator in natural gas transport and storage, with an infrastructure enabling the energy transition. It ranks among the top ten Italian listed companies by market capitalization. SNAM manages a transmission network of approximately 41,000 km, and 13 compression stations between Italy, Austria, France, Greece and the United Kingdom, delivering annually more than 75 billion of Sm3 and holds 3.5% of the world’s storage capacity. Through its participated companies, SNAM also operate gas transport infrastructure in Tunisia and Algeria (Transmed SpA) and in the United Arab Emirates (ADNOC). SNAM has more than 80 years of experience in the development and management of networks and plants, ensuring the security of supplies and promotes the energy transition in the areas crossed. SNAM successfully injected up to 10% of hydrogen in its NG network in Italy at Contursi Terme in 2019. To push the R&D hydrogen SNAM actively participate in different EU projects, such as: HyUSPRe, MultHyFuel, PROMETEO, E2P2, OLGA, H2 Valcamonica. SNAM is actively engaged in several European associations like, for example, MARCOGAZ, ENTSOG, H2IT, Hydrogen Europe such as in standardization activities through its involvement in national and European technical committees.
REDEXIS is a transmission and distribution gas system operator in Spain, where it operates 12,058 kilometers across ten autonomous communities. It is an integrated energy infrastructure company that is also active in the distribution and sale of liquefied petroleum gas, and in the promotion of renewable gas and hydrogen and new gas-powered mobility infrastructure. Redexis will contribute to this project with its knowledge on gas infrastructure, with its knowledge and application of network codes, R&S; and with its experience in gas grid management, cross-border and interoperability issues. Furthermore, it is building and will operate the first hydrogen pipeline and the first blending system of hydrogen in the natural gas Spanish transmission grid in Mallorca.
Fundación Tecnalia Research and Innovation (TECNALIA) is the first private applied research centre in Spain and the 5th in Europe. In the field of compatibility of materials with hydrogen, TECNALIA studied the effects of hydrogen on materials in industrial processes (oil & gas, chemical industry, …) over the last two decades, but it has not been until the recent boom in hydrogen as an energy carrier when the research focused on the compatibility of hydrogen with the components of gas grids. During the last year, TECNALIA contributed to some of the main EU funded projects related to the study of the compatibility of gas distribution grids with hydrogen, such HIGGS, SHIMMER or PILGRHYM. On the private side, TECNALIA is actively collaborating with its clients in this field in projects related to distribution and storage of hydrogen
TNO is the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, the largest fully independent Research, Development and Consultancy organization in the Netherlands and via its Energy Transition unit, TNO develops new, applicable knowledge for innovations to accelerate the energy transition integrating geo-energy, wind, solar, biofuels and H2. TNO has developed detailed physical gas grid models, which were validated in real gas grids in the Netherlands. TNO has lead technology R&D programs for cost-effective gas quality sensors and was involved in field tests of these sensors, admixing up to 20% of H2 in natural gas. TNO is developing methods for optimizing the use of detailed models and monitoring technologies for applications like smart billing and safe injection of H2.